About the author

I first became interested in Dungeons & Dragons in 1990, when I was 15 and recovering from a sledding accident that gave me broken hips, a broken pelvis, and a lot of time to read. I was always a voracious reader but sci-fi was my thing, and the greats at that: Clarke, Asimov, Wells, Bradbury. I did read The Hobbit, but then read a few poor fantasy Tolkien imitators and gave the genre up.

So there I was with plenty of well-wishers bringing me books (ever read Stephen King on morphine?) and one friend determined to find something fantasy I would like. Finally he started to describe the plot of a book where gamers are drawn into their world and I said “Gee, I’ve always wondered exactly what this D&D thing is all about.” The next time he came by, it was with a copy of the first edition Player’s Handbook. I read it. Cover to cover. I’ll be the first to tell you, it’s not great reading by and of itself, but my imagination was hooked. My friend said he had a friend who might run a game for us, when I was up walking again. This friend-of-a-friend I had met once before, and apparently made quite an impression on him. He agreed to DM a new adventure for us.

This DM turned out to be a fantastic guy and game master, and we quickly became best friends. That’s when together we decided the game we bonded over was good, but could be something more. (Sort of like our relationship then.)  My future husband and I started taking long walks in the woods and developed the beginnings of the game you now see here.

The world moves on, we started to paint, then build houses, then mountains. We even grew up a bit and built a real house for our family to live in, complete with a gaming/crafting counter and recessed eyeball spots over the model table. Our 3 kids play too. The 13 year old and the 10 year old are going to DM their own games this weekend. Check out our 10 year old’s  blog. I guess it’s in the blood.

At last, I bring the game to this new tool, the internet. It’s been much fun for me, and you will not believe the depth and breadth of what I’ll be showing here over time. Hope you enjoy the trip,



  1. Kayla

    I gotta admit I was grinning while reading the part “This DM turned out to be a fantastic guy and game master, and we quickly became best friends,” because I knew who exactly that was! Fantastic blog by the way! Easy to read and very ‘adorable.’ I don’t want to denounce it, but the truth is I kept “Dawww-ing” throughout most of the pages! The pictures are absolutely amazing! Keep up the good work!

    • swordandsorcery99

      Thanks for the kind words, Kayla. I write from the heart. I photograph from there too. I have lots of fun with my camera when I have a scene or figure in front of me. I love being able to show off my husband’s work.
      I’m glad you’re enjoying everything! Stay tuned, because “Lords of Timlin #2” will be out within the week!

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